
Raising Goats: How to Slaughter

While it’s not a fun thing to think about, many goats are raised for the meat they can produce. This is especially true of males and of females who are no longer producing milk. Goat meat is tasty, nutritious, and easy to store. If you’re thinking you’d like to raise goats for meat, read on for a little more about the slaughtering process.

Goats that are raised for meat can be slaughtered at two points. This can be while they are still kids or while they’re older and bigger. You can treat a slaughtered kid much like you would a rabbit. At this age you will get a carcass that weighs a little more than half of the live weight. If you choose to you can feed a kid for seven months to produce a bigger carcass. Since the goat is older he will be bigger, but you’ll only get a result that is forty percent of his live weight. If you choose to slaughter an older goat, take him off his feed twelve hours before slaughtering.

When your goat is old enough it’s time to slaughter. Because goats are bigger than the average chicken, it will take a little doing to slaughter him. If you’re squeamish or have become particularly attached to your goats it may not be a bad idea to send them to a slaughterhouse instead of doing it yourself. This is especially relevant when it comes time to slaughter a doe that has been with you for a long time but is no longer producing milk. Make sure that you and your family are on the same page before proceeding.

If you choose to slaughter your goats yourself, the best way to kill them is by trauma to the head. A gunshot will do the trick quickly and painlessly. A blow to the head may also work, but there is more of an opportunity for failure here. If you can’t kill the goat in one blow you will end up causing him unnecessary pain. If you’re worried about your ability to do this, get in touch with someone who has slaughtered goats before and see if they will give you a hand.

Once your goat has been slaughtered he can be skinned and butchered. A goat’s hide can be used to make rugs, jackets, and other useful items. The organs should be removed and the carcass cut up into smaller pieces. The meat can be eaten immediately or frozen for a later meal. Because goat meat is lean it is susceptible to freezer burn, so make sure you wrap it up well before putting it in the freezer.

While raising and slaughtering goats may be emotionally difficult, it is a worthwhile way to feed you and your family. Goat meat is healthy and delicious, and knowing that you provided your goats with a good life while they were alive can make your meal more enjoyable.

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4 Responses to Raising Goats: How to Slaughter

  1. George Henson April 24, 2013 at 2:37 pm #

    I am glad to see that I am not the only one that is somewhat resistant to this process. I know that if I or my family was starving I could do it, but like the eastern religion says not to kill any living being. I am a meat eater but have never had to make the kill. I also am an avid animal lover. This will be tough no matter what the circumstance. Thanks for the info just the same.

    • Mario Leal April 27, 2013 at 2:25 pm #

      Hi, George! Thank you so much for your comment. You said it! *thumbs up*

  2. Chris August 12, 2017 at 2:53 pm #

    We are getting ready to process our Boer goat. Do you change their feeding in the days leading up to this?

    • Mario Leal August 24, 2017 at 9:37 pm #

      Hi, Chris!
      Generally, I don’t change anything. But, there is some debate on this. Some believe that changes in the feed and feeding can affect the quality of the meat. But, I just don’t know. I believe in treating the animal well even up until slaughter. Now, I don’t slaughter right after they’ve been fed. That is just a recipe for disaster. You don’t want to accidentally cut into the stomach or intestines and have the bile spill into the meat. Take your time and do it right. I think You’ll be fine.

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