Drop the Weights, Pick Up the Shovel
For many people, a fitness routine oriented around traditional forms of weightlifting and cardiovascular exercise is an unchanging part of ...
Out of Space? Consider Container Gardening
It can be tempting to grow a little bit of everything – so tempting that you’ll eventually run out of ...
Composting: What Makes Great Compost?
Composting is one-half creating the pile (or bin) and setting everything up, and one-half putting the right things into it ...

How Your Lawn Can Be Both Beautiful and Eco-Friendly
GUEST POST Here’s a guest post from my friend Karen Weeks. Enjoy! Though green lawns have their place in suburban neighborhoods, thirsty grass isn’t the only way to achieve a gorgeous landscape. With a bit of effort, you can convert your yard into a beautiful and eco-friendly oasis. From saving water to taking steps to […]

Make Your Own Salad Dressing – Three Easy Recipes
Making your own salad dressing is a quick and easy way to be completely self-sufficient. These three recipes include universal classics and one interesting newcomer to the salad dressing scene. They are all fairly easy to create. Unlike most store-bought dressings, they are free of preservatives, so they’re better for you, even if they won’t […]

Great Holiday Gifts For Gardeners!
Whether you consider gardening to be your calling in life or a simple hobby, or have a loved one who feels that way, you’ll no doubt find these gifts for gardeners appealing. Many gardeners look forward to receiving something useful as a holiday gift, although whimsical items might be appreciated as well. Here’s quick breakdown […]

Plan Next Year’s Garden In Four Easy Steps
Your garden is done for the year. Your tools are put away. You’ve composted or disposed of the remnants of your crops. All of your vegetables have been eaten or canned. You are ready for next year, both mentally and physically. Here’s how to get started with the plans for next year’s crop. Reflect On […]

Drop the Weights, Pick Up the Shovel
For many people, a fitness routine oriented around traditional forms of weightlifting and cardiovascular exercise is an unchanging part of their life. However, those who are currently working out and those who are seeking a more appealing way to get back in shape should consider one outdoor activity proven to benefit mental and physical health: […]

How to Conduct a Proper Autumn Garden Clean-Up
After harvesting your crops, the next step is to clean up your garden and get it ready for the off season. If you do this now, your soil will be in the best condition possible in the spring, making it that much easier to plant everything. It might be tempting to sit back and enjoy […]

The Ins And Outs Of Basic Canning Supplies
Canning isn’t as scary as it sounds. Yes, you do need to know the basics of various types of canning equipment and have to meet certain boiling times and temperatures lest you accidentally give yourself botulism, but don’t let that threat intimidate you. Plenty of people practice home canning, and as long as you follow […]

Four Useful Harvesting Tips
Harvesting is the best time of the gardening season since you get to see the literal fruits of your labors. Most crops in your garden, such as tomatoes, have probably been producing fruit since mid-summer, but others, like sweet corn, won’t be ready until the fall. This means that you’ll have a lot of different […]

Out of Space? Consider Container Gardening
It can be tempting to grow a little bit of everything – so tempting that you’ll eventually run out of space in your garden. When this happens, you can either expand to the side yard or front yard (we’re joking) or begin a container garden (not joking). Container gardens are more than useful spaces to […]

Composting: What Makes Great Compost?
Composting is one-half creating the pile (or bin) and setting everything up, and one-half putting the right things into it to create fresh, nutrient-rich soil for your garden. There are some things that cannot be added at all, as they will disturb the mix, but plenty of vegetable scraps can go in. You also need […]

How to Make a Composting Pile
If you’re a fan of organic soil, then you might want to consider making your own, while preventing your vegetable peels and other bits from ending up in a landfill at the same time. A compost pile can help you create less waste and great soil at the same time. To start one, you’ll need […]